Wood Shingles vs Wood Shakes
Wood shake refers to wood roofing material that is created by splitting thin rectangles from a wooden log. There are two types of wood roofing materials – wood shake and wood shingles.
Wood shingles are sawn on both sides and are thinner at the butt end when compared to a wood shake. Wood shakes are typically sawn on one side and hand split on the other side, making them thicker than wood shingles. Both are wedge shaped and are affixed individually to a roofing deck. A wood shingle roof will look much more smooth and uniform in appearance. A wood shake roof will look more rustic and natural. If you are looking for more information about wood shakes and shingles wood roof you have come to the right place, let us examine the differences between wood shakes and wood shingles.
What is the difference between wood shakes and wood shingles?
The difference is the way in which each one is manufactured. 50 plus years ago wood shingles were sawn from a block of wood, while wood shakes were split off using a sharp blade or mallet. With advancements in technology wood shingles are now machine made and wood shakes are made by hand with the aid of power equipment. Shingles are tapered by sawing, whereas shake is not, so the end result of a wood shake roof is highly textured by comparison. Being sawn, shingles exhibit some cross grain due to cutting, whereas shakes, being split, follow the grain more closely.
A wood shingle roof will look much more smooth and uniform in appearance. A wood shake roof will look more rustic and natural.
Appearance - Wood Shingle Roof vs Wood Shake Roof
wood shakes vs wood shingles
In terms of appearance, wood shakes provide a thick textured appearance and gives a roof beautiful depth and dimension. This is due to the varying grain patterns, ridges, and grooves that occur during the splitting process. Wood shakes have a rugged appearance, with each piece looking a bit different than the rest.
Wood shingles are much more uniform in appearance, they have a smooth, flat appearance. Homeowners enjoy using wood shingles as siding on a home’s exterior because of the beautiful uniform appearance that they provide. A wood shingle roof does look incredible, but so does a wood shake roof. When comparing a shingles wood roof to a wood shake roof, for a homeowner it really comes down to whether you want a uniform appearance or rustic appearance, and whether you want thick butt ends or thin butt ends. Either way the look of weathered wood shingles is truly unique and beautiful! If you want deep grain patterns and beautiful shadow lines on your roof, then your best choice is wood shakes because of the thick butt ends and rustic wood shake appearance. If you want a more modern wood look that is complementary of many different home styles and color schemes, then you should consider wood shingles.
The most durable type of wood roofing material is heavy hand split cedar shakes, often referred to as heavy 3/4” inch natural cedar shakes. The 3/4” inch refers to the butt end of the shake being 3/4” inches thick. Heavy hand split cedar shakes are the most durable type of wood roofing because they offer the thickest amount of protection to protect against hail, UV sunlight, heavy rain, and wind.
In terms of price, wood shakes are generally more expensive than wood shingles. That is because they are thicker so more material is used, and in most cases wood shakes are more challenging to install for a roofing contractor. If you are serious about purchasing wood shakes or wood shingles then you will want to consult with a professional to get a roof estimate and pricing.
Synthetic Alternative to Wood
CeDUR Synthetic Roofing Shakes look just like heavy hand split wood shakes.
Our synthetic roofing products are molded from hand split heavy cedar wood shakes. The best part is CeDUR roofing products install just like natural cedar shakes and are indistinguishable from real wood.
Alternatives to Wood Shingles
As an alternative to wood shake shingles, CeDUR Synthetic Roofing Products provides a home with the treasured wood look of 3/4” heavy hand split cedar shake but in a synthetic composite material that does not degrade over time. Wood is an extreme fire risk and wood shake shingles are banned for use in many communities throughout the United States. A fire-safe and fire resistant roofing material like CeDUR roofing shakes are in high demand in mountain communities and homeowners looking for the beautiful rustic wood look. CeDUR is the best alternative to a wood shingle roof or wood shake roof.
CeDUR synthetic cedar shakes are the best alternative to wood shingles. These composite roofing products are designed and engineered to emulate hand split heavy natural cedar shakes while providing unquestionable wood shake beauty and stunning curb appeal. Our roof shingles will provide your home with natural wood shake beauty and the most realistic wood texture, including a 50 Year Lifetime Limited Warranty.
CeDUR is the best alternative to a wood shingle roof
If you are going to re roof or upgrade your existing roof covering, look no further than a CeDUR synthetic roof. CeDUR is much more durable than it’s natural counterparts like wood shingles or natural cedar shakes plus CeDUR features a 50 Year Lifetime Limited Warranty. If you are looking to purchase the best alternative to a wood shingle roof then CeDUR may be your best option.