CeDUR Synthetic Roofing Products Gallery

A CeDUR roof combines the desirable cedar shake look with the latest in design and technology. CeDUR products give any property an authentic wood shake look and compliments most architectural styles and color schemes. CeDUR synthetic shakes will, by design, shift color upon exposure to the Sun. This color change takes place gradually over the first 90 days of installation (depending on time and intensity of Sun exposure) and then stabilizes at a weathered wood color for the life of the product.

CeDUR synthetic shakes are manufactured in three multi-width sizes, 5 1/4” shakes, 7 1/4” shakes, and 12 1/4” shakes. We manufacture 4 timeless colors that perfectly replicate the wood shake look of heavy hand split natural cedar shakes. CeDUR synthetic shakes are solid throughout with no cavity back and molded from natural cedar shakes. CeDUR products do not incorporate UV inhibitors or UV stabilizers and your roof will age naturally with the Sun. After the initial aging process the color will set and remain constant. Natural movement is designed into our product to give your roof the natural cedar shake appearance.

live oak roof color


Live Oak is reminiscent of a brand new traditional hand split cedar shake. It provides stunning wood beauty and warm wood tones.

shiloh roof color


Shiloh provides a breathtaking dark wood shake look. A Shiloh roof compliments lighter color tones and contemporary structures.

golden cedar color


Golden Cedar is our Cool Roof Rated and Title 24 Compliant synthetic roofing product for Southern California residents.

Walden roof color


Walden gives any property an authentic wood shake look and compliments most architectural styles and color schemes.

CeDUR Walden roof - roof installed by Three Tree Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Encinitas, California - learn more about Gen819 Roofing and Solar

CeDUR Live Oak roof - Beaver Creek, Colorado - roof installed by Lifetime Roof & Solar

CeDUR Walden roof - Snowmass, Colorado - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing - learn more about this project

CeDUR Live Oak roof - roof installed by Slade Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Southern California - roof installed by Gen819

CeDUR Walden roof - California - roof installed by Daddario Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Santa Barbara, California - roof installed by Angeles Roofing

Allcon Roofing roof

CeDUR Walden roof - South Carolina - roof installed by Allcon Roofing


CeDUR Live Oak roof - roof installed by Slade Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Minnesota - roof installed by Kuhl’s Contracting

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Minnesota - roof installed by Kuhl’s Contracting

CeDUR Walden roof with solar panels - Marina Beach Motel, California - roof installed by Wicks Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - California - roof installed by Saber Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Cleveland Zoo

CeDUR Walden roof - custom home built by JSM Builders

CeDUR Live Oak roof - Texas - roof installed by Haro Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Idaho - roof installed by Metal Man Construction - learn more about Metal Man Construction

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Utah - custom home built by Cambridge Home Company - learn more about this project

CeDUR Walden roof - Berwyn, Pennsylvania - roof installed by Gillespie Contracting, Inc. with snow guards by Alpine Snow Guards

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Sawdust, Laguna Beach, California - roof installed by Luke Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Sawdust, Laguna Beach, California - roof installed by Luke Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Colorado Springs, Colorado - roof installed by RoofWorx

CeDUR Walden roof - Echo Information Center, Utah - roof installed by The Roofing Center

CeDUR Walden roof - Echo Information Center, Utah - roof installed by The Roofing Center

CeDUR Live Oak roof - Southern California - roof installed by Premo Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Idaho - roof installed by Metal Man Construction

CeDUR Walden roof - Virginia - roof installed by D & B Services

CeDUR Walden roof - Maryland - roof installed by Smart Roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Minnesota - roof installed by Kuhl’s Contracting

CeDUR Walden siding - South Carolina - custom home built by Will Morrison Construction

CeDUR Walden roof - Colorado - roof installed by Kidd Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Denver, Colorado

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Canada

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Encinitas, California - roof installed by Gen819 Roofing and Solar

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Golden, Colorado - roof installed by Colorado Contracting Unlimited

CeDUR Walden roof - Berwyn, Pennsylvania - roof installed by Gillespie Contracting, Inc. with snow guards by Alpine Snow Guards

CeDUR Walden roof - Atlanta, Georgia - roof installed by Braswell Construction Group

CeDUR Walden - Cole Sport - Park City, Utah - roof installed by Alta Vista Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Pacific Palisades, California

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Georgia - roof installed by Braswell Construction Group - learn more about Braswell Construction Group

CeDUR Walden roof - Atlanta, Georgia - roof installed by Braswell Construction Group - learn more about Braswell Construction Group

CeDUR Walden roof - Northridge, California - installed by Total Roofing Inc. - learn more about this project

CeDUR Walden roof - Northridge, California - installed by Total Roofing Inc. - learn more about this project

CeDUR Walden roof - Timbers at Bachelor Gulch resort - Avon, Colorado - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing - learn more about this project

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed in Southern California by Pacific Roofing Systems

CeDUR Walden roof - Fairfax Station, Virginia - roof installed by Marshall Roofing - learn more about this project

CeDUR Walden roof - Berwyn, Pennsylvania - roof installed by Gillespie Contracting, Inc. with snow guards by Alpine Snow Guards

CeDUR Walden roof - Atlanta, Georgia

CeDUR Shiloh installed by Slade Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof- Sun Valley, Idaho - roof installed by Wood River Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Colorado Springs, Colorado - roof installed by RoofWorx

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Atlanta, Georgia - roof installed by Howe Roofs


CeDUR Walden roof - Southern California - roof installed by Action Roofing


CeDUR Walden roof - Blowing Rock, North Carolina

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Minnesota - roof installed by Kuhl’s Contracting

CeDUR Walden roof - Atlanta, Georgia - roof installed by Howe Roofs

CeDUR Walden roof - Colorado Mountains - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing - learn more about Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Colorado Mountains - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing - learn more about Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Denver, Colorado - roof installed by Colorado Contracting Unlimited

CeDUR Walden roof - Georgia - roof installed by Braswell Construction Group - learn more about Braswell Construction Group

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Atlanta, Georgia - roof installed by Howe Roofs

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Mequon, Wisconsin - roof installed by Noffke Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Illinois - installed by Cedar Roofing Company

CeDUR Live Oak roof - Denver, Colorado - roof installed by Colorado Contracting Unlimited

CeDUR Shiloh roof- Denver, Colorado - roof installed by Blue Ox Exteriors

CeDUR Shiloh roof- Denver, Colorado - roof installed by Blue Ox Exteriors

CeDUR Live Oak roof - Pasadena, California - installed by Lesieur Roofing - learn more about this project

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Utah - custom home built by Cambridge Home Company - learn more about this project

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Utah - custom home built by Cambridge Home Company - learn more about this project

CeDUR Walden roof - Denver, Colorado

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Utah - custom home built by Cambridge Home Company - learn more about this project

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Denver, Colorado - installed by Global Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Minnesota - roof installed by All Star Construction

CeDUR Live Oak roof - Golden, Colorado

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Denver, Colorado - roof installed by Lifetime Roof & Solar

CeDUR Walden roof - Fairfax Station, Virginia - roof installed by Marshall Roofing - learn more about this project

CeDUR Live Oak roof - Aspen, Colorado

CeDUR Walden roof - Virginia - roof installed by Marshall Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Colorado Mountains - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Colorado Mountains - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing



CeDUR Walden roof - Snowmass, Colorado - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Snowmass, Colorado - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Southern California - roof installed by Action Roofing

Live Oak

CeDUR Walden roof - Snowmass, Colorado - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof - Snowmass, Colorado - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing



CeDUR Walden roof - Atlanta, Georgia - roof installed by Braswell Construction Group

CeDUR Walden roof - Snowmass, Colorado - roof installed by Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed by CCU in Golden, Colorado

CeDUR Live Oak roof

CeDUR Walden roof - Vail, Colorado

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed by Slade Roofing

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed in Southern California by Pacific Roofing Systems

CeDUR Golden Cedar roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Salt Lake City, Utah

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed in Southern California by Pacific Roofing Systems

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed by CCU in Golden, Colorado

CeDUR Shiloh roof

CeDUR Live Oak roof

CeDUR Walden roof installed in Denver, Colorado

CeDUR Shiloh roof - Denver, Colorado

CeDUR Walden roof - installed by Horn Brothers Roofing

CeDUR Live Oak roof installed in Telluride, Colorado

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed in Montana

CeDUR Golden Cedar roof

CeDUR Golden Cedar roof

CeDUR Live Oak roof

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Live Oak roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed in Denver, Colorado

CeDUR Live Oak roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed by Lifetime Roofing & Solar in Denver, Colorado

CeDUR Walden roof installed in Montana

CeDUR Walden roof installed in Montana

CeDUR Walden roof installed in Edwards, Colorado

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed in Atlanta, Georgia

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Live Oak roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof installed in Southern California

CeDUR Live Oak roof installed in Denver, Colorado

CeDUR Live Oak roof installed in Wyoming

CeDUR Walden roof installed in Aspen, Colorado

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Walden roof

CeDUR Shiloh roof